Log in to shareyt first.To sign up to shareyt click here. To know about shareyt sign-up click here .
Put mouse on Earn Coin, a drop down menu will
open. In the menu put mouse on Youtube, a sub menu will open. Click on the following options 'Youtube views' , 'youtube likes' , 'Subscribe user'.
Start watching video by clicking on tle play button. When the video starts playing, right click on the youtube video player. The video will be paused and stop loading but shareyt won't stop counting. So, your not watching the video and also not loading. but shareyt is counting to 15. After counting 15 by shareyt, click on the 'view next video' button. Thats it. You have slow internet connection? So what? You don't need to wait for loading the video if you try this trick out.
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Put mouse on Earn Coin, a drop down menu will
open. In the menu put mouse on Youtube, a sub menu will open. Click on the following options 'Youtube views' , 'youtube likes' , 'Subscribe user'.
1.Youtube views
Put mouse on Earn Coin, a drop down menu will
open. In the menu put mouse on Youtube, a sub menu will open. Click on 'Youtube views'.
open. In the menu put mouse on Youtube, a sub menu will open. Click on 'Youtube views'.
Make sure you have adobe flash player installed and in the browser option, JavaScript is enabled.
A youtube video player will open. Click on the play button. Watch the video for 15 second. You will gain coins.
Then click on ' view next video' button.
A Trick
To watch video faster with slow internet connection, and also without any data usage or data charges.Start watching video by clicking on tle play button. When the video starts playing, right click on the youtube video player. The video will be paused and stop loading but shareyt won't stop counting. So, your not watching the video and also not loading. but shareyt is counting to 15. After counting 15 by shareyt, click on the 'view next video' button. Thats it. You have slow internet connection? So what? You don't need to wait for loading the video if you try this trick out.
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